How to Clean Espresso Machine and Coffee Grinder

Espresso machines and coffee grinders can be a little daunting to clean. But with a few simple tips, it's easy to keep them in tip-top condition and ensure that your coffee always tastes its best.
If you're like most coffee lovers, you take great pride in your espresso machine and coffee grinder.
And rightly so - after all, these are the two most important pieces of equipment when it comes to making a perfect cup of espresso. But like all machines, they require regular cleaning in order to function at their best. Here's how to clean your espresso machine and coffee grinder.

Make a schedule for cleaning coffee
machines and grinders

Baristas, if you're reading this, I need you to do me a solid and listen closely. I'm about to let you in on a little secret that is going to change your life, or at least your coffee-making routine. Are you ready? Here it goes: clean your equipment! I know, I know, it's a pain. But trust me, it's worth it. Not only will your coffee taste better, but your customers will be happier too. I recommend that you talk to your boss or manager about setting up a cleaning schedule for the cleaning coffee machines and grinders. That way everyone knows when it's time to break out the cleaning supplies and get to work. So next time you're tempted to skip the cleaning step, just think of how much better your coffee will be.

Some benefits of regularly cleaning coffee makers and coffee grinders include:

  • Improved flavor and aroma of coffee
  • Reduced bitterness in coffee
  • Elimination of rancid or stale flavors in coffee
  • Prevention of machine damage or corrosion
  • Longer life for coffee makers and coffee grinders
  • Elimination of residue and oils

How often should coffee equipment be cleaned?

The coffee machine needs to be washed, preferably every day, at the end of the shift, or if the establishment is open around the clock, then these are the most unloaded hours at night or in the morning. We clean the coffee machine with cleaning powder for this, such a blind filter basket is provided. It is inserted into the portafilter, here we pour chemistry.

Сleaning products for coffee machines

There are two types of cleaner, tablets and powder. I recommend using powder, it is more economical. It doesn't always take a lot of chemicals. For example, if you had a small number of guests and there were few cups prepared, then you can use half a coffee spoon, a quarter, a whole one, depending on the degree of contamination.

Cleaning the coffee machine in automatic mode

We pour a small amount of cleaning powder into the blind filter basket, insert the portafilter with the basket into the group, fix it. There are two ways to flush a group, automatic and manual. Automatic cleaning is provided on modern coffee machines, that is, we press a combination of buttons and the machine will supply water by itself, turn itself off and dissolved chemicals, will wash off the oils and then it will wash itself. You, at this time, mind your own business. If you are not sure about the result, you can repeat it again, it will clean again. The cleaning cycle takes 3 - 5 minutes. Accordingly, if we have two blind baskets, we can put a blind basket for each group, with cleaning powder, hold down the keys and the machine will wash both groups at the same time.
The coffee machine applies pressure, the water dissolves the cleaning powder, which washes away the coffee oils that we have accumulated inside the group and through the emergency pressure relief valve, the water is washed into the sewer and leaves.
You can hear the machine turn on and off.

Manual coffee machine cleaning

In the same way, we take a blind basket, pour in cleaning powder, insert a portafilter with a basket into the group, turn on the flow and wait 10 seconds. Water enters after that, and excess water goes to the drain. We turn it off, wait 5 seconds, then turn it on again, turn it off, turn it on. So the cycle is repeated seven to eight times until the powder is completely dissolved.
We can make sure that the cleaning powder has completely worked out by pulling out the portafilter, if we see that there is no large foam, there are no residues of large particles of the cleaning agent, this means that the cleaning process is completed. Please note that if you see some foam and cleaning agent after 7 - 8 cycles of cleaning, this means that you have put too much in. Next time, use less powder.
The process of cleaning the equipment did not end there. We need to pull out the dispersion screen that is in the group and rinse it.
Dispersion screens are of two types, those that are fixed with a bolt, twisted and pressed, and those that are clamped by themselves, thanks to the sealing gum. Here it is the sealing gum, here is the dispersion screen.

Dispersion screen

A dispersion screen is a shower that lets water through and distributes it over the entire coffee tablet. It is very important to keep it clean, so wash it regularly. If you have accumulated a lot of coffee stone and oils, then I recommend soaking it in the same product for several hours and then it will be cleaner. Inside, there may also be residues of oils and coffee particles, so we take some kind of napkin, or rag and wipe it from the inside.
After we have completely cleaned everything and washed it, we return the dispersion screen back. After that, you can work.

Cleaning the steam system of the coffee machine

In addition, in a coffee machine, you need to pay attention to the cleanliness of the steam system.
The nozzles can become clogged from the outside, for example, when the barista does not wipe the milk well, milk can also accumulate inside the nozzle. This can be removed mechanically. We unscrew and remove the nozzle.
We can clean it from the inside of the remnants of milk, cocoa or chocolate. When we cleaned it all, we also have here a rather long tube in which milk can accumulate and it is desirable to clean it as well. Modern coffee machines are equipped with protection against the ingress of external milk inside and they often do not need to be cleaned, however, you should always be aware of this.

In order to clean the steam system, we use a special product that removes lactic acid. Here there are the proportions, 30 milliliters of funds for 500 milliliters of water. Accordingly, now I measure 15 milliliters, dissolve it in water and simply heat the water with a steamer.
After warming up, you can leave the nozzle and the pitcher in the cleaner for 10 - 15 minutes, after that we wipe the steam pipe with the nozzle well, and we are ready to continue working.

Milk Frother Cleaner

For use with coffee and espresso equipment's milk systems.
Milk residue that accumulates on steam wands is removed by an integrated measuring device that provides more than 30 uses per bottle.
Suitable for both manual steam wands and robotic milk frothers.
Reduces milk protein accumulation.

I recommend paying special attention to the operation and cleaning of the milk system in automatic coffee machines.

There the steam system is a very long, thin tube, the milk moves in one direction and in the other. And there, the machine needs to be cleaned regularly every day, several times a day, depending on how many drinks you prepare.

Best Coffee Beans For Espresso Machine

Cleaning coffee grinders

Coffee grinders need to be cleaned, also regularly: once or twice a week, some establishments clean grinders every day, I recommend at least once a week. That will be enough. If baristas understand the importance of this process, they can do it more often.

There are two main ways to clean a coffee grinder, a good one and a quick one.

A quick way is when we use cleaning products. Here we have corn and barley in the composition.
This is a food item that, due to the density of the particles, washes coffee oils out of the coffee grinder. We're taking off the bunker. Before that, we ground the coffee, there are no coffee beans in the millstones. On empty millstones, we pour cleaning agent. Usually, one cover is enough to clean the millstones. After that, we grind the cleaning agent, as coffee, and millstones are getting cleaned. But a number of coffee houses do not accept this method of cleaning, because after cleaning we have a little cleaning agent left in the millstones and we need to grind 2-3 servings of coffee to completely remove the cleaner. In any case, we still have particles in the coffee grinder, and because of this, someone does not use this method.

Professional Coffee Grinder Cleaning Tablets

Removes grease and coffee stains from freestanding coffee grinders (not for super-automatic espresso machines)
Coffee grinds are absorbed and loosened by a patented, natural, safe for food, and gluten-free tablet.

Grinder cleaner that works without removing burrs or casings
Use frequently to maintain constant grinder performance and good hygiene.
Ideal for use when transitioning between ordinary, decaffeinated, and flavored coffee beans to prevent taste transfer.

Manual coffee grinder cleaning

The second way is better in my opinion. This is when we mechanically disassemble the coffee grinder, spinning it. In some coffee grinders, this is easy to do, in others it is difficult. It is because of the complexity of disassembly and further assembly of the coffee grinder that many do not want to clean the coffee grinder. This coffee grinder, it`s easy to disassemble and requires one key, with which we loosen the bolts.
Using this coffee grinder as an example, I will show you how to clean it. Remove the top cover, we do not need it.
Here we see millstones: lower millstone, upper millstone.
Here we see a lot of oils, small particles that accumulate. All this is cleaned with a brush. After that, we return the clean millstones to their place and tighten the bolts. The coffee grinder is clean.
Other coffee grinders are cleaned in a similar way. The bunker and sealing gum are removed and we immediately get to the millstones. It uses a conical type millstone, easy, and quick to clean. We can unroll it completely, take it off, remove all the particles that are there, and put it back quite easily.
So there you have it - a few simple tips for keeping your espresso machine and coffee grinder clean and in good working order.
By following these guidelines, you'll enjoy better-tasting coffee, and your machines will last longer. Regular cleaning is definitely worth the effort!

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