Some reasons when coffee can upset your stomach
Find low-acidity, stomach-friendly coffees. If it seems you're only slightly sensitive, opt for coffee beans that are known to be lower on the acidity scale. Coffees are grown at low altitudes typically have lower acid levels.
Your Stomach Is Sensitive To Coffee's Caffeine
I don't want to confuse you, but your daily mug of caffeine stimulates your stomach to generate more than normal acid. So, even though the coffee itself may not be too acidic for you, over the comfort line, the caffeine may increase your acid output.
Here are a few ways that caffeine pain can be counteracted:
Try decaf specialty-grade
Eat your banana. Bananas are alkaline and balance out the harshness of the caffeine-generated extra acids. They also contain a range of substances that, on their own, soothe the stomach.
Just try to drink less coffee. I think it's fair to assume that if you usually have three to five cups a day, cutting it down to one or two will bring some big changes.
You're Drinking Coffee On An Empty Stomach
Here's the thing: an intense drink is a coffee. In flavor and chemical composition, it's rich, bold, and complex. If you drink coffee for breakfast without consuming anything substantial, you're going to run into trouble-no matter who you are.
During various breakfasts, try to observe how you feel. For example, if you still leave a bit of discomfort with cereal and milk with your coffee, you'll realize you need to add a little more substance like a banana or protein.